Now I'm not saying reply to these assholes (and the particularly hate-filled pieces of shit of The Hill is the theme of this edition) and mock their anguish, but I'm not saying don't do it either.

JP Duncan • 2 months ago
Yep. Saw all 2 dozen Biden supporters that showed up for his speech in Pennsylvania. today. Do you people seriously think that Joe and Corn Pop have any path to victory? Just mashin your taters. There's no way he will beat the sitting president, Hillary.
Mon, 8/31/2020 2:18 PM on 'Biden holds commanding lead among third-party voters from 2016, polls show'

Razor_XX • 2 months ago
With all the help from Russia, Trump will be a winner for sure, right democrats…..????
Tue, 9/1/2020 11:31 AM on 'Only 36 percent expect presidential winner to be announced on election night: survey'

Martian Ambassador • 6 days ago
Biden is not winning PA.
Mon, 11/2/2020 3:02 PM on 'Nate Silver: Without winning Pennsylvania, 'Biden becomes an underdog"

Flanders Fields™ • 11 days ago
Democrats will be the first to riot after the election.
Wed, 10/28/2020 5:48 PM on 'Man arrested with knife and wooden baton at Trump campaign event'

Energyrich • 2 months ago
The Democrats should never have gotten on their knees in reverence to their new master BLM. That alone will lose the election for them.
Mon, 8/31/2020 2:32 PM on 'Biden holds commanding lead among third-party voters from 2016, polls show'

disqus_FOUKdpgXiw • 6 months ago
I'm ready to vote for TRUMP right now….and, again in 2024, since his FIRST Administartion was STOLEN from him by the LEFT.
Fri, 5/15/2020 4:51 PM on 'Burr decision sends shock waves through Senate'

plastic_jeezus • 11 days ago
chicago and baltimore are preparing for violence AFTER the elections…
let that sink in for a moment…?
Wed, 10/28/2020 6:01 PM on 'Man arrested with knife and wooden baton at Trump campaign event'

DumpDemLiars • 11 days ago
LOL, you are going to be very disappointed.
Wed, 10/28/2020 6:03 PM on 'Man arrested with knife and wooden baton at Trump campaign event'

C Everett Kook • 20 days ago
Trump vs an image of Joe Biden? I'll be voting for Trump.
Tue, 10/20/2020 6:40 AM on 'The Memo: Biden stays slow and steady in face of criticism'

Jacob's Trouble • 3 months ago
Trump lives in your head rent free, correct?
Add another four years of this torture and you are bound to go insane.
Wed, 8/5/2020 11:19 AM on 'Tlaib wins Michigan Democratic primary'

I'm for freedom • 11 days ago
Democrats know Biden has lost, and when the welfare and freebies don't appear, the Marxist mobs will be turned loose on the businesses.
Wed, 10/28/2020 6:12 PM on 'Man arrested with knife and wooden baton at Trump campaign event'

Last Chance America • 8 days ago
Trump is not leaving until 2025 when his second term is finished. Dem's will just have to get used to that thought. The rest of us suffered through 8 years of the Obamanation quietly without rioting, looting, burning and killing. That's what civilized people do.
Sat, 10/31/2020 5:06 PM on 'Obama boosts Biden in must-win Michigan'

Awareness505_((4MoreYrs)) • 25 days ago
I'm old enough to remember when the MSM and Dems were absolutely convinced Trump 'had no path to 270' back in 2016 – what were the lessons learned from that loss?
Wed, 10/14/2020 2:52 PM on 'Biden up by 7 points in Georgia: survey'

The Brutal Truth • 21 days ago
democrats will be held accountable, and removed from our government in record numbers next month!
Sun, 10/18/2020 2:03 PM on 'Priebus expecting Trump win in election that will come 'down to the wire"

NotoriousP • 6 days ago
President Trump will win more than 300 Electoral College votes. Larry Sabato is a nitwit. He missed it in 2016 by 123 votes.
Mon, 11/2/2020 1:53 PM on 'Sabato final projection has Biden winning Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, NC'

ThatsAFact • 2 months ago
So will you delete your account after November 3rd when Trump wins?
Wed, 9/2/2020 7:25 PM on 'Fox News poll finds Biden ahead of Trump in three battleground states'

quaggy • 2 months ago
Trump job approval up to 45%. Battleground states lead for Biden down to 2.5 points (was 10 a month ago). Support for BLM down 25 points to net zero in last 2 weeks. Hillary was up 10 points in battleground states at this time in 2016. Dems, it's all slipping away
Wed, 9/2/2020 5:02 PM on 'Biden holds 8-point lead over Trump after conventions: CNN poll'

i don't know much, b… • 2 months ago
all this optimism is setting the leftistas up for a very disappointing election loss in nov
the sky screaming will be epic!TRUMP 2O2O/2O24 KAG!
Mon, 8/31/2020 3:06 PM on 'Biden holds commanding lead among third-party voters from 2016, polls show'