“The House Sergeant at Arms has been informed by the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies (JCCIC) that the 60th Inaugural Ceremonies will be held inside the US Capitol. As a result, the majority of ticketed guests will not be able to attend the ceremonies in person, although offices are welcome to distribute tickets to constituents in the manner they think best, if they would like to do so. It is our understanding from the JCCIC that all Members of Congress will be invited to the indoor ceremony. With the exception of tickets in sections three and four, House Members of JCCIC recommend that your offices relay constituents that their tickets will be commemorative.”
“A decision on the seating of ticket sections three and four is still in development by JCCIC,” says a memo from the House Sergeant at Arms to members, emphasis added on the “commemorative” part, lol. Hardcore Trump groupies can commemorate a ceremony they were disinvited from.