In the soft, comfy confines of Trump advisor Sean Hannity’s right-wing snowflake globe of a television show, Texas resident Herschel Walker tries to “tut-tut” the fact that he paid for a woman’s abortion: prior to this clip, Walker said “I have no idea” when Barney Rubble Hannity asked if he knew the woman to whom he will later admit to paying to get an abortion. But when Hannity asks if he remembers this woman–to whom he sent a $700 check and a signed card, and with whom he reportedly had a long-term relationship–Walker’s CTE apparently kicks in and he opens the door for a lot more women to come forward:
Well, I-I send money to a lot of people, and that’s what’s so funny an, an let’s go back to my par (?). You know, I do scholarship for kids. I give money to people all the time because I’m always helpin’ people because I believe in being generous. God has blessed me; I want to bless others. I got into this race because I’m a christian. I love the lord Jesus Christ and I always tell everyone that. ‘No weapon formed against me shall prosper.’ So whoever, ah, been out there wanna lie on Herschel Walker, you’re lyin’ on the wrong one. It’s best that you s’go somewhere else ’cause I’m gonna win this seat for the great people of Georgia because Georgia deserve to have a Senator dat trust an da Georgia people not no one that trust in Joe Biden likes Senator Warnock does.