
Random thoughts Friday, Volume XCV

  • The midterms were a disaster for Donald Trump.  Out of his Top 10 headline endorsements in competitive races, only JD Vance has assured a victory; it’s very possible he’s the only one that wins.  Dems are currently in the lead in each of the other races except the Nevada Senate.  The only person who had a worse week was Alex Jones.
  • Democracy in Purple States won:  Six GOP Secretary of State candidates who denied the results of the 2020 election lost or are on their way to losing.  Three in Deep Red states (AL, IN, WY) won, but they won’t overturn a GOP win.
  • Joe Biden doesn’t blow his own horn loudly, but damn, he’s an effective SOB.  He’s quietly leading an exceptionally successful administration.
  • I admit, I got a bit emotional early Wednesday morning when it became clear Trump’s endorsees were failing.  It felt like a good purge.

  • Democrats got two more trifectas–single Party control of the governor’s house and both chambers of the legislature–in Maryland and Minnesota, making by my count 15 Democratic trifectas versus 23 Republicans (including Nebraska’s unicameral abomination).  But because of population variances, nearly as many people live in Democratic trifectas as Republican.
  • Republicans should hope they don’t take control of the House.  The GOP caucus will be chaos, blocking everything from debt ceiling raises to funding public schools.  No GOP Speaker will be able to handle it, and Pelosi will swoop in to lead from the minority.
  • It’s very possible that if the GOP does take control of the House, they will need every single caucus member on board and physically there to vote every time there’s a move to pass partisan legislation… and frankly, we know that won’t happen.  Gaetz will be on “a date.” Marge will be scrolling through Tinder.  Back in Congress, Zinke will demand his fourth grade Cub Scout sash be flown over any room he’s in.  And then you’ve got to kowtow to the Freedum Caucus to get anything through, which will alienate more centrist Republicans.
  • If Democrats in the House are smart, they support Kevin McCarthy on the first ballot to be Speaker.  The far right will hate him for getting into the speakership thanks to Democratic vote.  They will block everything he wants because they are that petty.
  • The GOP simply doesn’t have a leader the caliber of Nancy Pelosi–arguably the most successful Speaker of the House in US history–in its ranks.  McCarthy is milquetoast–as his prostration to Trump after Mar-a-Lago demonstrates–and someone like Jordan will lead to more division.  Pelosi will likely be able to get more legislation passed than a GOP Speaker.
  • WTF Colorado?  You vote to legalize psychedelics, but knock down a bill that would allow home delivery of alcohol.  Do you seriously want people on shrooms driving to get beer?
  • Prediction:  Donald Trump does two rallies for Walker in Georgia for the December 6th runoff.  Trump needs it for his ego.  And unlike Tuesday’s election, the run-off relies on The Base to turn out for the win more than converting independents.  (Democrats need to remember that, too.) 
  • If Musk is such an advocate for free speech, I’m sure he has no one blocked or muted on Twitter, right?  In fact, he’ll do away with those features, right?  … ‘cause it’s not really about everyone else’s right to be heard, only his.
  • I once had the honor of interviewing a man who drove a jeep ashore on D-Day, hitting a mine and flipping it in the air, killing his buddy in the passenger seat but throwing him clear; he ended up meeting the Soviets at the Elbe.  A friend’s father sat in a foxhole in Vietnam when a mortar landed between his legs, but luckily failed to explode.  A former volleyball teammate was killed by an IED in the Philippines in Operation Enduring Freedom.  Thank you, veterans and active duty personnel, for your service.
  • Undoubtedly like you, I want Boebert to lose her race, because that would reinstill a modicum of dignity to the House.  Honestly, though, having her in Congress is safer for the people of Colorado than having her open another restaurant.
  • The latest cast isn’t a cast so much as a brace with wires, velcro, knobs and tensioners and stuff.  And no, you cannot sign it.
  • Maxwell Frost, the new youngest member of Congress as a Democrat elected from Orlando, will show Republicans how a 25-year-oldshould act in the House.  Madison Cawthorn should be taking notes, but given that he was voted out of office in the primary and just bought a $1.1 million home in southwest Florida, it looks like he won’t be running for office anytime soon.
  • Why does vanilla seem to be in every baked good?  How much can half a teaspoon influence the taste?
  • When driving alone, it’s music for short trips, talk radio/podcasts for commutes (±30 minutes).  For long drives, give me an audiobook or a game.  Something about a good audiobook can make a 200 mile drive go by in what seems like minutes.
  • We can never let voter complacency influence the outcome of an election.  When you vote, you determine the future.  It’s not about now; it’s about the future.  

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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Hugh Hewitt has ideas on how Tapper and Bash should moderate

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Kemp left top-of-ticket blank in Georgia’s GOP Primary

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And… another Republican accused of lying about military record

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Nehls will no longer wear military pin he didn’t qualify for

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QAdulteress calls Adam Kinzinger gay for endorsing Biden

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Obama scores huge victory over Kenyan president

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Hawaiian cops investigating suspected shark bite incident

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North Korea-style praise for Dear Leader not needing energy drinks

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Red States lose big on COVID “censorship” at Supreme Court

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Kremlin asset again hints at secret deal to free Gershkovich

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Team Orange threatens PAC over ad that quoted Trump accurately

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Mike Johnson says GOP can’t move fast enough to save Bannon

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High school dropout admits she was wearing fake Trump sneakers

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Kinzinger endorses Biden

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Trump-endorsed Senate candidate loses race for Romney seat

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Crazy MAGAchurch pastor loses South Carolina runoff

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Bowman loses contentious Dem primary in NY-16

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In new district, LB² takes GOP primary

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Trump biopic producer reportedly blocking US distribution

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Man who lost popular vote twice claims “nobody got more votes”

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Zero Hour

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Tang Terrorist would fuck up economy if reelected, experts say

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CDC warns of increased risk for dengue fever in US

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Supreme Court disbars Kentucky MAGA lawyer who tried to get outgoing GOP Governor Matt Bevin to pardon child rapist

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State Supreme Court crucifies Oklahoma’s Catholic charter school

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Jim Jordan wants to wrestle with Biden’s ghostwriter

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Rasmussen poll finds voters expect Trump to win debate

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“Southern history” professor caught distributing child porn

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Ben Carson was Q all along!

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