With some spectacular graphics which we cannot show here because of copyright law, but we can provide a (gift link here), the Washington Post captured a moment that foreshadows the destiny of all such glorifications of racism: the destruction of the statue of Robert E. Lee that became the focus of white nationalist backlash in Charlottesville, VA. The 2017 Unite the Right rally started with a parade of tiki torch-carrying, khaki-clad neo-Nazis marching through a college campus and ended with a terrorist killing Heather Heyer in an automotive attack. The white supremacists reportedly chose Charlottesville because the town council had voted to remove the Lee statue from a public park.
But please enjoy the Post’s images of the face of Lee being torched off and his limbs being smelted. Like an endless video of a yule log shown on an obscure cable station on a chilly night, the images alone can be heartwarming.