The Bronx resident beaten and restrained by the Guardian Angels on the streets of New York City while their leader was being interviewed about rampant crime live on Sean Hannity’s Fox show will sue the New York vigilante group and seek to file criminal charges, the New York Daily News reports.
“Our guys have just taken down one of the migrant guys on the corner of 42nd and Seventh where all of this has taken place,” said Curtis Sliwa gleefully as his followers jumped on Marco Pina, 22. “They’ve taken over! Let’s just say we gave him a little pain compliance. His mother back in Venezuela felt the vibrations. He’s sucking concrete.” Sliwa claimed Pina was a shoplifter, but never presented any evidence to back the claim and Pina was never charged.
Pina has lived in the Bronx since his family migrated to the United States when he was two years old. He met with the District Attorney’s office on Tuesday to discuss potential criminal charges for the February 8th attack.