
MAGA Land deeply burdened by what may become

Like the Democrats themselves, MAGA Land is so back. It’s only fun to pluck comments when fanboys are feeling pissed off and fearful. Save for a brief one-off when the French far right got their balls handed to them in the snap parliamentary elections earlier this month, such moments have been woefully few since Joe Biden’s debate trainwreck in Atlanta. No more. This has been a pretty rough week for the scumbags and God willing the next few months go even worse for them. The below roundup leans a little heavier toward earlier this week given how long it took to compile.

“Hey Dems how about that wasted Primary.. Once again your party sticks a knife in your back.. You people are so gulible and uneductaed.. Now your getting who?? 107 days till the election and you don’t have a candidate .. I laugh at you fools” – Top comment on Newsmax’s article “$46.7 Million Pours in for Harris, Dems,” posted Sunday. They’ve actually raised a shit ton more since then.

“She will get the full Obama treatment from the press starting right now. Can do absolutely no wrong, is the most amazing president in the world, etc… etc… They will also begin scrubbing Biden (how noble of him to step aside)… Pravda has just begun and is about to kick into overdrive” – Top comment on PowerLine Blog’s article “Can Trump Beat Harris?” posted on Monday. Can’t imagine this asshole is happy with the way that things have been going in the media since then.

“Don’t get overconfident. Don’t underestimate their ruthlessness and their ability to control the narrative. We’ve got a long, hard fight ahead of us” – Top comment on Blaze Media’s article “Poll expert dumps cold water on Democrats’ enthusiasm for Kamala Harris,” posted Wednesday. That’s a surprisingly high number of upvotes for a call for circumspection among MAGA voters.

“Democrats timed their announcement of Biden’s withdrawal perfectly to take the wind out of the sails of this story. No one‘s talking about Republican unity this week. It’s all about who will replace Biden on the ticket. And how will Kamela get the nomination locked up? Oh, and by the way, Trump is Hitler, and JD Vance is Hitler Junior, remember everyone? Remember to take your Soma” – Top comment on Hot Air’s article titled “RNC 2024: The Energy Has Shifted for Real This Time.” As of 7:45 AM EDT on Monday that was the most recent article in their Disqus queue – which also did not contain any reporting on Biden dropping out. The energy has absolutely shifted since.

“No matter what you think of Biden, this is not a good thing for Republicans” – Top comment on the Daily Wire’s article about Joe dropping out, posted on Sunday. Hope he’s gotten even more nervous.

“Perfectly said. Trump’s worse enemy is himself, especially when he goes off script and just starts making absurd claims and personal attacks. As this article’s author concludes, Trump blew a golden opportunity at the convention” – Top comment on a Wall Street Journal editorial titled “Why Kamala Could Win,” posted Wednesday. In it, columnist Dan Henninger warns “The Harris campaign plans a nonstop ad hominem assault on Mr Trump. Convicted, ‘will take us back’ and all that. The rationale for going low is it will make Mr Trump go even lower against ‘the first black woman to run for president.’ That will be the offset against Trump’s gains with the public from the assassination attempt. Trump had a chance to close the deal with his acceptance speech. He didn’t. If Trump-rally mode is as good as it’s going to get, she has a chance.” Yeah, they’re getting nervous.

“Are these people collectively retarded? They just covered for someone for 4 years and NOW they’re crying about the age of someone else? I bet if it was Hillary they’d support her. Every day I’m convinced people are getting either crazier, more stupid, or both” – Top comment on Town Hall’s article “Dems Play the Age Card Now That Biden’s Out,” posted Sunday. Pure perfection that one.

“Rigged elections is what democracy is all about. Ask any democrat” – Top comment on Breitbart’s article “Democrats ‘Rigged’ Primary for Biden Only to Push Him Out,” posted Sunday. Almost like the Trump campaign’s attacks and right wing propaganda portraying Biden as old worked too well.

“One of my more out there predictions has been that AOC will turn against the dems, and I still stand by it. Whether she will become an actual Trump / MAGA supporter, I kind of doubt. I think she’s too proud for that. And I think she likes the attention too much. But I also think she’s not just going to go along with the bull💩. I think she has just enough of a conscience not to” – Top reply to a post on QAnon fan site titled “Caught on AOC Live-Stream: She Basically said they Performed a Coup on Joe Biden 👀,” posted Monday. “Welcome to the resistance,” lol.

“Stolen elections have consequences” – Top comment on WeLoveTrump Report’s article “Trump Reacts To Biden’s Decision To Drop Out Of The Race,” posted Sunday, proving you can simply freely associate and get the most upvotes on these sites without anything like context or implication.

“I’ve already seen enough…millions of criminals have crossed the border, our beautiful cities are a wreck, inflation is rampant, along with fuel price and interest rates…this is what Americans want? It will only get worse!” – Top comment on Fox News’s article “Harris edging Trump in new poll conducted after Biden’s withdrawal,” posted Thursday afternoon. Panic more please.

“For the next few weeks, at least until the Democrats nominate whoever, Trump needs to run a positive campaign with his positions on righting the ship. Flood the airwaves with his positive message of restoring the American dream! Forget all the negative crap, and give Americans hope for a far better future. This way, by the time the Democrats have a nominee, America will have already made up its mind” – Top comment on Red State’s article “As Biden Walks Away, Trump Wants to Know: Who Will Be Running Country for Next 5 Months?” posted Sunday. Good luck with that, bro.

“I sincerely hope that President Trump only attacks her about the administration’s policies and lack of actions! He does not need to attack on her personal ‘attributes.’ Her ‘sexscapades,’ or her laugh. We have fought too hard to draw independent women to Trump’s camp! If he or any of the campaign’s people start attacking in this way, women will rally around her like you wouldn’t believe. I’m telling you because I am a woman and I have seen this happen before. Not in the political realm but elsewhere” – Top comment on PJ Media’s article titled “This Is How Trump Will Attack Harris and the Democrats,” posted Tuesday, two days after the previous PJ Media commenter said the exact same shit. Looking forward to seeing it again next week, next month, and well into the fall.

“The over the top fawning over Biden is stomach churning” – Top comment on the Right Scoop’s article “Van Jones nearly cries on CNN because they just took grandpa’s car keys away,” posted Sunday. We’re in the unique position of agreeing that Van Jones is a goddamned crybaby and that this asshole commenter should take a look in the mirror – with his MAGA hat on.

“Please transport me to a planet that is not inhabited by pukestains like this” – Top comment on the Gateway Pundit article “LIBERAL TEARS: Rachel Maddow Shell-Shocked, Van Jones Cries After Biden Drops Out of 2024 Race,” posted Sunday. Again, Van Jones should stop being such a Van Jones, but this commenter should by all means be transported to another planet. Preferably Venus.

“And just like that, everyone forgot about the government’s failed assassination of Trump” – Top comment on an Instapundit post titled “JUST WATCH HOW THE PRESS, WHICH HAS NEVER LIKED KAMALA, WILL SUDDENLY BUILD HER UP. A saint, a warrior queen, a wise woman for our time, a loving shepherdess for our troubled flock,” posted Sunday. Mostly true, lol.

“It’s the Dem party that is against democracy. Since the introduction of the Steele Dossier, the Dems have been trying to change the outcome of elections and maintain their grip on power. The fake impeachments, Lawfare, making Biden the figurehead and likely other nefarious things were not even aware of. It’s one things to use vitriol towards the other side it’s another to so blatantly break the rules and norms of democracy” – Top comment on the New York Post’s article “Trump claims Biden ‘never had COVID’ and ‘can’t run our country’ following re-election dropout’,” posted on Sunday. Maybe this guy should just shave his head and move to a Tibetan monastery.

“I really do believe they needed Biden to drop out so they can get someone less toxic in the polling to make cheating more viable. As Biden is polling so terribly if they were to pull some stunt to cheat it would not believed at all” – Top comment on Twitchy’s article “‘Single Worst President BY FAR in History of Our Country’: Trump Reacts to Joe Biden Dropping Out,” posted on Sunday. Literally what this guy is saying is that he thinks that because Harris can campaign better than Biden, thus get more votes, it’ll be easier for “them” to rig the election… rather than just Harris winning outright.

“The press will repeat over and over that the race is close so that the margin of fraud is minimized when the press declares Harris the winner” – Top comment on RealClearPolitics’ “Republicans Should Expect Harris To Make It a Closer Race,” posted Thursday. It’s one thing to post stupid shit online. It’s another for it to not even be original and some chode already wrote it on a different site.

“The democRATS are always wanting to remove statues of our founding fathers who owned slaves, but are anointing a decedent of slave owners as the candidate for president. The liberal media is trying to hide the truth about her past” – Top comment on OAN’s article titled “The Oppo Report On Faux Queen Kamala,” posted Thursday. Do they know Trump’s dad was in the Klan? Do they know why many Black Americans are descended from both slaves and slave owners? Do they know the MAGA influencer who first called Kamala Harris “not Black” is a pedophile who definitely molested teenage boys he met online? Is there any point to asking these questions?

“It is all so tiresome” – Top reply to a post from Monday titled “New Caravan of illegals hopes to cross southern border before Trump win.” Yes, this is all very tiresome.

So very, very, very tiresome. But also a lot of fun to see the fanboys wet dreams of a Thousand Year reich suddenly thrown into very real doubt by Kamala Harris taking over for Joe Biden.

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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