On the most recent national Economist/YouGov survey’s question of “Who do you think is more responsible for the current state of the US economy?” 57 percent of respondents who said they voted for convicted felon President Trump said it’s former President Joe Biden to 24 percent more correctly identifying the fat fuck as responsible. The partisan split on this was not very symmetrical as 76 percent of those who voted for Kamala Harris said it’s Trump and 10 said it’s Biden. This in contrast to, for example, that Trump’s approval on the economy – underwater overall at 45 to 49 percent approve/disapprove – is split exactly at 86 to 11 percent by candidate/approval, as in 86 to 11 percent of Trump voters approve/disapprove while 11 to 86 percent of Harris voters the opposite.
Other MAGA deluded findings: 64 percent of Trump fans say they’ll be better off financially next year vs just 16 percent of Harris voters, lol. On whether the stock market has gone up since January, 6 percent of Harris voters said yes and 5 percent said it’s the same, while 14 and 18 percent of Trump fans said gone up or stayed the same, respectively. The Dow Jones has lost nearly 3,000 points since January 20th and MAGAmericans are nearly three times dumber than Harris voters.
Oddly enough there was apparently more awareness on the effects of tariffs as just 3 percent of Harris voters and 5 percent of Trump voters were stupid enough to answer either prices would go down slightly or a lot with the imposition of tariffs. But Trump voters were largely otherwise in denial that there would be any change at all as 16 percent said “no effect” to 2 percent of Harris voters, while 49 percent of MAGAs admitted it would “slightly” increase prices vs 17 percent of Kamala fans, and 16 percent of Trump voters said “increase a lot” to 74 percent of Harris voters.
On “How much influence do you want Elon Musk to have within Trump’s administration?” more Trump voters at 48 percent said “a little,” to 31 percent “a lot,” and 12 percent “none at all.”