“Russian President Vladimir Putin is planning to quit in January 2021 amid speculations that he has Parkinson’s disease, according to media reports. Putin, who is 68 is reportedly being urged by his family members to retire due to his health.”
“A report in New York Post quoted Moscow political scientist Valery Solovei saying, ‘Putin’s 37-year-old girlfriend, Alina Kabaeva, and his two daughters are pushing him to leave the office. There is a family, it has a great influence on him. He intends to make public his handover plans in January.’ Putin is reportedly suffering from Parkinson’s as the president has been seen recently exhibiting symptoms of the disease. Some reports also say that Putin has begun to show signs of weakness in his hands, struggling to hold pens, as well as constantly twitching his leg. In fact, the recent footage in which Putin was seen constantly moving his leg from here to there and according to health experts, they said that Putin looked like he was in pain” – Yahoo News.