Villages, Florida weekend arrests from left to right: Registered Republican Ronald Palumberi, 61, arrested Thursday for battery of a person over the age of 65 after he slapped a woman in a road rage incident. Registered independent Wyatt James Glenn, 23, arrested on DUI charges after cops found him passed out behind the wheel at 1:16 AM Sunday. Glenn then woke up, opened a beer, and refused to step out, forcing cops to smash the window and drag his ass out of his pickup truck. Registered Republican Dylan Arbie Aynes, 22, pulled over outside of a place called “Margarita Republic” at 2:50 AM Sunday, reportedly struggled to stand on one leg during the field sobriety test, refused a breathalyzer, and booked on DUI. Registered Republican Tina Renee Frost, 60, booked on DUI Friday after crashing her golf cart into a house, severing a gas line. Blew a .115 on the breathalyzer test. All suspects are presumed MAGA until proven innocent.