“So not every country is like ours. In Hungary, the government is a nationalist government, not hostile to other governments, but for its own people,” Fox host and brevart Hungarian envoy Tucker Carlson extolls. “And that is massively offensive to George Soros. Soros, in response, is using sympathetic international media outlets as a proxy to attack the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orbán, who by the way is often described as a radical, is about as radical as, say, a conservative Democrat might’ve been in 1992. Not radical at all. Neither is that country. It’s hardly a right-wing country. So the journalists who claim this cite Soros-funded research that claims Orbán is a threat to free press, when in fact the press corps in Hungary is far more balanced than it is here. There’s massive opposition to the president and prime minister in Hungary, unlike here where there’s almost unanimous support ‘cept on this channel for our President.”