Matthew Cochran: "Now that Amy Coney Barrett's nomination to the Supreme Court is official, leftists everywhere are casting aspersions at the wall to see what sticks. A few early favorites include condemning her for adopting children or expressing outrage that Republicans would push for a nomination when Democrats don't control the outcome."
"The most interesting smear, however, regards feminine submission - an apparent teaching of Barrett's faith group, People of Praise. It's silly to suggest that submission holds back women when your example is being considered for one of the highest offices in the United States. But silly or not, it does reveal the need for a broader conversation on the subject. I'd like to say it's just those darned pagan liberals who hate the biblical teaching that wives are to submit to their husbands. But the fact is, feminism has finished its long march through the institutions, and most conservatives have been indoctrinated to hate this teaching as well."