It would appear that no major news outlets reported anything about Elon Musk on Sunday. There wasn’t anything that said “investors” or “outlook” or “innovation” and the words “Elon Musk” at all, and I was looking at Twitter a lot today. There was something about “Ant Group” which is supposed to be like the big innovator in China, but they named it after ants, which is kind of stupid.
I haven’t seen “SoftBank” in a while. “SoftBank” used to be an important money technology something, but I guess it’s not so cool anymore with the innovation. Wonder if they got blockchained. I think I heard that was a bad thing. Also, there was this one investor expert guy said things will be good in 2021 and another different investor guy who said that things would be bad. I’m not sure if they were being honest or if they just wanted other people to innovate with their hedge capitals to diversify and win against the other investor guy. I suppose the real strategy in all of this information economy surge controversy is to invest harder, not smarter.