“I’ve spent 18 years active duty service,” former Lt. Col. Doug Hague tells Fox News host and actualized Flintstones character Sean Hannity, explaining why he’s resigning his commission rather than getting the coronavirus vaccine mandated by the military. “I’ve got two years until I’m eligible to pull my retirement, um, but I’m, I don’t want the COVID vaccine and, uh, I don’t plan on getting it. But I’ve had all the other, um, Army vaccines. I’ve had eight anthrax shot. I’ve had the smallpox vaccination. I’ve had ’em all, s-so it’s really not about if I’ll get the shot, but this is really about, um, the freedom of the American people, the right to choose your own medical procedures, the right to decide, y’know, what’s gonna be, uh, injected into your, your body and what’s not. Those are, um, that’s a natural human right, y’know we can’t take away from people.”
To recap: the guy who got eight anthrax shots won’t get the coronavirus vaccine mandated by the military (to which you give control of your body when you enlist) because something something civilians something freedom.