Charlie Sykes: “Yes, it could get worse. The Claremont Institute – the home of John Eastman, author of the blueprint for overthrowing the presidential election – has a new initiative for undermining the rule of law. And if you are not alarmed, you ought to be. The Trumpian institute is launching a program to weaponize ‘patriotic law enforcement officers’ to counter ‘the perversion of the justice system by which the revolutionary left seeks to advance its totalitarian agenda.'”
“In announcing its new ‘Sheriff’s Fellowship’ the institute tied together last year’s urban disorders, Covid-19 lockdowns, and ‘the electoral disaster of 2020,’ and declared that ‘our nation’s conservative movement needs a countervailing network of uncorrupted law enforcement officials.’ Specifically, Claremont envisions a cadre of sheriffs ‘not beholden to bureaucratic masters, and whose geographic boundaries, jurisdictional latitude, and – most important – direct connection and responsibility to citizens, places them on the frontlines of the defense of civilization.’ Think of it as militias with badges, guns, and law enforcement powers. Or, if you like, secession-by-sheriff.”