Pro-Trump influencers who did well on mainstream social networks have seen stagnant growth – and even declines – in their follower counts on MAGA social media networks in the year since Trump was banned from Twitter, a Washington Post analysis of 47 different personalities found. Lin Wood, OAN, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Sidney Powell were among those who lost followers on Telegram from their peaks over the last year, while Mike Lindell’s went up just barely in the last few months. Alex Jones went from 25,000 new Gab followers a month in the spring of 2021, then down to 1,000 added a month since, illustrating the weak hype cycles of these platforms.
“Right-wing platforms are one-trick ponies. They’re only going to, by their nature, appeal to the type of person they are branded to appeal to, and there’s only so many people in that world,” said Clemson University Media Forensics hub researcher Darren Linvill, quoted in the piece to drive home what we already know about the boredom fanboys face when there aren’t any libs to trigger.