“John stole my thunder at the end of the article by referencing the daily wire and its investment in children’s entertainment. We can whine about this stuff all we want, but it’s never going to change until these companies feel the squeeze in their bottom lines. And to do that, we need to create alternatives and utilize them. The daily wire saw that Harry’s razors became super woke and combative toward conservatives, so they started an alternative razor company. Bravo.”
– The current top comment on the Power Line Blog post “Goodbye, Disney“, posted late Thursday.
We were unaware of the Daily Wire shaving company, its existence is especially surprising since by all appearances its founder Ben Shapiro is a 38 year old adolescent incapable of growing facial hair. We also have some concerns as, aside from the fact that taking on Disney from the right is supposed to be the Trump Media and Technology Group’s exclusive domain, it’s not entirely clear such an effort will be able to find a sufficient market to reach and maintain profitability given the right’s spotty history with launching alternative smartphones, streaming devices, accredited four year institutions of higher learning, ground coffee, fiat currencies, and porn blocking software.
They are pretty good at cranking out propaganda and misinformation, we’ll give them that. Ball gags too. They should stick to those industries and leave everything else to the professionals.