Her Majesty, Queen Romana of Canada is on a royal “Peace and Prosperity Mobile Government” tour of her kingdom, spreading all sorts of shit about ordering mass executions of people and contact aliens and what not – and scoring a free haircut from a supporter to her claim to the throne!
Nice work if you can get it, right? If you’re not familiar with Her Royal Highness yet, allow us to introduce you to Romana Didulo, a single, childless, middle-aged, destitute Filipino immigrant QAnon influencer with nearly 75,000 followers on Telegram. For some fucking reason a year or two ago Romana decided she and not Elizabeth II was the legitimate Queen of Canada and convinced tens of thousands of people to go along with it, even though she was living in a boarding house on Vancouver Island. Promises of mass executions of those who fail to recognize her authority are a real crowd pleaser among the Canadian QAnon fanbase, leading to countless reports of her adherents sending cease and desist letters to hospitals, schools, businesses, and government agencies for implementing COVID-19 safety procedures. Her appearance at the February Ottawa clustertruck was fortunately a flop, but that won’t keep her down. God shave the Queen!