The monthly Monmouth poll survey puts Democrats and Republicans tied at 47% on the “Would you rather see the Republicans or the Democrats in control of Congress, or this doesn’t matter to you?” question. Last month’s survey found Republicans ahead of Dems 48 to 44.
So it’s technically not a “generic ballot” question, rather a “Who do you prefer?” one. Don’t let that stop the “BuT tHeIrs No sUcH thINg aS a gEnerIc cAnDIdaTe” comments though. Those are really entertaining and an important part of the discourse of every article about the national polling for Congress, so please keep ’em coming. We love that kind of contribution here.
The fact that pretty much every other question on the poll was shit for Dems should lend it some credibility: Biden approval at 36%, inflation biggest concern at 33% – followed by gas prices (15%), the economy (9%), “Everyday bills, groceries, etc” (6%), 66% saying the nation is on the wrong track, so on and so forth and STILL the Dems and GOP are tied on the Congress question. So for all the “headwinds” both Democrat doomers and Trump fanboys alike harp on continually, here’s one with a shit ton of them only to see midterm preference break even. You can argue one pollster is more reliable than another, or even say one respondent sample might be a “blip” versus the another sample from the same pollster, but you’re going to need to put on your obtuse basement dweller hat and think extra hard to explain away how within the same sample the Dems and Republicans are tied for Congress while Biden’s approval is also 4 points worse than in fucking Rasmussen.