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- Has Fox blamed Pete Buttigieg for the deadly Indian train derailment yet?
- The GOP got their ass handed to them in the debt ceiling bargain, and two days later they’re claiming Biden’s a doddering old man because he tripped over a sandbag. So they’re admitting they got their ass handed to them by someone they think is a doddering fool. An accurate (but not good) look.
- Look back on what the holdouts to Kevin McCarthy’s speakership wanted and look what they got. Capitol security footage released only to Tucker Carlson to “expose” police cooperation brought on widespread ridicule. They failed in their debt ceiling showdown. They wanted to stop the modernization of the IRS but didn’t. Their movement is an abject failure, except to infect the GOP leadership with their acolytes, but when your policy wants the nation to default on the federal debt, you’re not very smart to begin with.
- Seth Rich’s family settled with Fox in 2020 for all the lies the network perpetuated about the DNC staffer’s 2016 murder. I’m curious if their attorneys got the same access to text messages and other communications that Dominion’s did.
- Republican leadership literally tells interviewers that they have no solid evidence against Joe Biden and *still* Comer and Jordan get airtime (on mainstream networks) to promote their “investigations.” Do better, media. No bookings for the Jims until they present hard evidence.
- I’m not a fan of professional players adding “Jr.” or “III” to their nameplates on the back of their jerseys. I understand it’s to honor their fathers, but unless your father is on the same team as you–which I believed only happened once, with the Griffeys on the MLB’s Mariners–it’s useless.
- Chris Christie announces his campaign for the GOP nomination, his third waddle for the White House.
- You rarely see bumper stickers for non-public radio radio stations now. It used to be if you had one on your car, the station might read your license number on-air when you had their “prize patrol” following you, and you could win a pair of tickets to the Bay City Rollers or Oingo Boingo.
- Trump’s paranoia about being misquoted by the media led to a recording of him that’s damning evidence of his guilt of a felony. Hey, Don, you’re the one providing evidence that will put you in jail. It’s not a conspiracy; it’s your incompetence.
- DeSantis is drifting to absurdly far right in his effort to secure the GOP base, he’s risking getting stereotyped as the guy tossing around tired conspiracy theories and opening up the opportunity for a candidate to ask the Republican electorate, “Are we sick of this shit? Shouldn’t we save our Party?”
- One thing I like about YouTube TV is that they don’t have all advertising slots filled, and they’ll play nature videos in open slots. But their ad rates are also low enough for “established” start-up companies to buy, so you get to see new products early.
- Despite their reputation, the latest generation of voters are keyed in on important issues, and they’re activated. If older generations don’t destroy it, the nation will be fine.
- Whenever I meet a person’s pet, I’m one step closer to surreptitiously gaining access to their bank account.
- Don’t bet any money on this, but I’m beginning to think we’re going to see an economic boom, not a recession, in the relative future. We’re firmly holding off recessionary concerns as employers load up on staff and inflation lessens, although unexpectedly strong job creation might push an additional quarter-point raise. Productivity and manufacturing are prepped for when consumers start spending again.
- A special thanks to Spartan for handling a Herculean portion of the work this week as I dealt with some stuff. It’s exhausting being “on” all the time when keeping up, and writing up, with the news, especially with a Little Spartan.
- While there are rare times I want a slab of glorious chocolate cake, if I’m looking for a post-dinner dessert, most times I want something small. A shot glass cheesecake. A couple macaroons. A scoop of ice cream or sherbert. If you’re eating desserts as big as your main course, you’re either eating shitting entrees, diabetic or an 11-year-old.
- Twenty-eight months in office and Joe Biden’s job creation rate is nearly twice that of the next nearest post-WWII president: Biden 466k/month vs. Clinton 238k/month. Not bad, Jack.