“Let’s go ahead with this indictment a-and let’s go ahead with, with eh, y’know, trying to remove him from office. We’re not going to, but we oughta, we oughta hang it around his neck,” Republican Tennessee Congressman Tim Burchett on the third-tier conservative cable propaganda network. “Y’know, they haven’t even proved, the IRS hasn’t even shown where they’ve paid any taxes. Twenty-two million dollars and no taxes? Hell, you and I g- spend $600 worth of sales on ebay and guess what, we get a letter from the freakin’ IRS. This is ridiculous. The American public needs to be irate about and they should, and shame on th-the old school media, they’re just a bunch of lapdogs to the left wing a-and that’s why their ratings are in the tank and your-all’s are soaring.”
Twenty-two million dollars? Just two months ago, Republicans couldn’t find their witness–a Chinese agent currently wanted for illegal arms dealing–who was definitely going to show Biden took a $5 million bribe. Now they have evidence of a $22 million bribe? Perhaps they should disclose this information, if it’s so solid and y’know… national security is at stake and all that.