
Inmate P01135809 keeps going with illegal alien voter fraud shit

“As the New Year fast approaches, I would like to wish an early New Year’s salutation to Crooked Joe Biden and his group of Radical Left Misfits & Thugs on their never ending attempt to DESTROY OUR NATION through Lawfare, Invasion, and Rigging Elections. They are now scrambling to sign up as many of those millions of people they are illegally allowing into sour Country, in order that they will be ready to VOTE IN THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 2024,” writes disgraced former President Trump on Truth Social, now for the second time in less than 24 hours making this shit up that the border “invasion” is part of some sort of Soros-Biden election-rigging op.

Again, this just isn’t a thing. The largest case of voter fraud by non-citizens was in 2020 when 19 foreign nationals residing in North Carolina were charged with casting ballots illegally in the 2016 election, according to an ICE press release. Nowhere in the statement does it say that any of them were illegal immigrants and the very, very wide array of nationalities among the 19 – China, Israel, Yemen, Canada, Mexico, Nigeria, Bermuda – strongly suggests that this was not a coordinated plot but just a bunch of fucking idiots who didn’t know that only American citizens can vote. ICE has only one other release, “Illegal alien arrested, charged with voter fraud,” dating to 2011 in their archive.

But facts are for libtards. What is actually kind of impressive here though is how Trump is reducing one of the very few “sophisticated” or “articulable” white nationalist conspiracy theories on the right to this stupid, illogical bullshit: Replacement theory. It is certainly true that a pregnant foreigner who arrived on a tourist visa in 1993 and never left has added at least one more eligible voter to the rolls and that eligible voter is now more likely than not to be and regularly vote for Democrats, all thanks to birthright citizenship (another reason Trump hates the 14th Amendment).

That illegal immigration and birthright citizenship have been a net positive for Democrats – especially in the MAGA era – is not really something up for dispute. What is bullshit however is how much the Tucker Carlsons and Marjorie Taylor Greenes of the world want to make it sound like a concerted “Deep State” effort to wipe out white America as if the Protestant Republican “Know Nothings” of 170 fucking years ago weren’t saying the same thing about Catholic immigrants from Ireland and Germany being a “Papist” conspiracy against their sovereignty. Shit just happens.

But just like it took more than 100 years for the first Catholic to finally reach the nation’s highest office from when the “Know Nothings” started warning of their growing political power (and then another 60 for just the second) it takes at least 18 years for the naturally born child of illegal immigrants to become a voter. That’s a lot of time, which for the replacement theorist assholes requires some degree of circumspection to sell it as a generational, long-game thing. A “demographic time bomb” set to demolish conservative white political power in the coming decades that, if not the product of an actual overt strategy by Soros and other liberal elites, is good enough to explain why Democrats don’t really care that much about the border relative to Republicans.

Which is great for Trump to just skip all those details and simply say the illegal immigrants are coming to vote and nobody’s going to stop them, like he’s already coming up with excuses for losing the 2024 election in 311 days from now, just in case. We’re sure Republican strategists are loving how seriously he’s taking their key issues of “election integrity” and the border.

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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