Cambodian Army spokesman Major General Mao Phalla told media on Tuesday that some doofus improperly handling ammunition must have been the futz up that caused that huge, loud blowup that really bombed out on 20 soldiers over the weekend, the Associated Press reports on a total bummer.
Phalla said the doinker, who was probably nicknamed “Private Pinhead” by his squadmates before he bonked everything up for them permanently, was probably unloading a truck and stacked the crates on the ground, which is such a Pinhead move. Our theory however is that their famously cranky Sergeant “Hayseed” Hupaeng screamed “PRIVATE PINHEAD! What is with these goddamned filthy Thai porno magazines you got in yer bunk after I ordered you to remove all contraband readin’ materials?!? Drop and give me 50 naw!!!” and then he immediately dropped the crates causing the first of the many explosions in the chain reaction that leveled the entire Kampong Speu post.