“The Missouri Department of Conservation captured a bald eagle along the boundary of Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield. The eagle has been rehabilitated and released back into the park.”
“The bird, originally reported to be injured, was found to be healthy but engorged with raccoon – in other words, too fat to fly. The x-rays, provided by Dickerson Park Zoo, show the outline of what we suspect is raccoon roadkill. Its release was a coordinated effort between NPS, the Missouri Department of Conservation, and the Dickerson Park Zoo,” says a Facebook post last week from the staff at the National Park Service’s Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield in Missouri.
Feels like this story is a decade or two late for all the “obesity epidemic” coverage when it was treated like a novel thing. Now it’s just accepted as a fact of life. Would’ve been a big hit given the obvious symbolism of the national spirit animal being too bloated to soar majestically.