Evidently hell-bent on counting his underage chicks before they hatch and grow into chickens legally capable of giving consent, Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz is now former Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz, Speaker Mike Johnson told reporters on Wednesday.
Just throwing this out there that, irrespective of whether Gaetz will actually get confirmed as attorney general by the Senate or if his Orange God Emperor will jam him in through that "recess appointment" loophole, this resignation's probably some end-run around the ongoing House Ethics Committee probe into Gaetz over the whole underage sex trafficking thing. What exactly, we don't know. Maybe they automatically have to end once a member quits and/or all the files get purged at the end of the current Congress. Otherwise why not just continue collecting a paycheck for doing nothing for the next 2-to-3 months instead of doing nothing for free?
UPDATE 11/13/2024 7:45 PM EST: Shocker. House Ethics on Friday was to vote on whether to release a "highly damaging" report on Gaetz's conduct, Punchbowl's Jake Sherman reports.