Convicted felon President Trump’s regime has ended their daily reporting on immigration arrest numbers, with his minions telling the Washington Post they’re now going to be doing it on a monthly basis to “conserve resources.” Those were the Post’s words rather than a direct quote from a source but seriously l-o-fucking-l. What the hell kind of resources are being saved here? It need not even be said here, but there’s almost no way the data isn’t simply a count of arrest affidavits entered into the federal court system by ICE anyway, meaning that it’s simply a matter of grouping the record count by month rather than date to dilute the declining pace – the Post writes arrests are down to around 600 per day after a peak of roughly 800, well short of the target of 1,700/day.
Holy shit that is so lame. Even lamer is how leadership are now telling ICE agents to work extra shifts and defer vacations to plug these ever-diminishing returns. White House spokesworm Kush Desai tried to divert attention to the regime’s performative actions at the border, claiming to the Post that Trump has “already delivered on the resounding mandate that the American people gave him in November to put an end to the Biden administration’s malfeasant handling of our southern border.”
Jason Houser, chief of staff for ICE during the Biden administration, said “I see a lot of show. This administration wants to continuously bring in every piece of the government away from their mission.” He added that federal law enforcement officials who usually focus on illicit firearms, drugs and sex traffickers are now “standing around in their jackets arresting noncriminals.”