“Bird flu is supposed to be spread by migratory birds BUT there is apparently not a problem with free range and organic birds being infected. This leads one to believe that this could well be the actions of a radical environmental or vegan extremist group purposely infecting housed commercial flocks. The directive came from the Biden USDA to euthanize all of the birds in a flock if one tested positive though there is no scientific reason behind that directive because the ‘bird flu’ is rarely passed to humans and proper preparation of the meat and/or eggs destroy the virus. I cannot help but think that these are the same people that told us Covid 19 came from the wild” – The top comment on the Fox Business News article “Egg farmer hit hard by bird flu, describes ‘nightmare’ of losing 3 flocks,” posted Tuesday morning by a user calling himself “concernedusacit303,” lol.
The headline says “Egg farmer,” making you think it’s some good ol rugged country boy in a tattered John Deere cap talking standing in a muddy field but right at the top is video of a paunchy 50-something businessman in a West Elm-catalog family room. Further down Fox drops “farmer” and identifies regular (mostly) Republican donor Greg Herbruck as the “CEO” of the egg concern.
Herbruck was not propagating or entertaining conspiracy theories about the “actions of a radical environmental or vegan extremist group” alleged in the comment. What’s interesting about what the scrambled brain of “concernedusacit303” has cooked up here is that in being actually specific about the “they” here, he makes the motive self-evident and thus further removes it from the old “THEY created/spread the virus to ruin Trump politically and/or justify creating a mind-controlling vaccine.”
Put the complete lack of evidence and scientific basis aside – as well as the reckless abandon of letting people eat infected eggs and meat – it’s surprisingly coherent for a MAGA comment.