Fuck you, Americans. You mean nothing now that we’re in power. Your “concerns” are but the squeaks of ants watching the boot of our machine rushing down from above. An adjustment is coming and you are to be adjusted. We will be fine. Even better than fine. You, however, will suffer.
Your “experts” do not mean shit to us. In fact their questioning of our whims does nothing but strengthen our resolve. We will impose our will with vim and vigor while you drown in misery.
And we shall deny hearing your cries for relief. Lie to your face and tell you that YOU are the master of your own destiny and if our aims inflict suffering upon you then it is YOUR fault. YOU are the one incapable of adapting to the world we seek to create and rule with an iron fist forever.
So just to recap: Fuck you. Suffer in silence and die. Or suffer loudly and die. Makes no difference.