“Let nobody be fooled! The hundreds of attacks being made by Houthi, the sinister mobsters and thugs based in Yemen, who are hated by the Yemeni people, all emanate from, and are created by, IRAN. Any further attack or retaliation by the ‘Houthis’ will be met with great force, and there is no guarantee that that force will stop there. Iran has played ‘the innocent victim’ of rogue terrorists from which they’ve lost control, but they haven’t lost control. They’re dictating every move, giving them the weapons, supplying them with money and highly sophisticated Military equipment, and even, so-called, ‘Intelligence.’ Every shot fired by the Houthis will be looked upon, from this point forward, as being a shot fired from the weapons and leadership of IRAN, and IRAN will be held responsible, and suffer the consequences, and those consequences will be dire!” posted convicted felon President Trump on Monday following attempted drone attacks on US Navy ships on Saturday.
We were to understand that this kind of shit wouldn’t be happening if Trump returned to power as, for example, on January 12, 2024 he posted “So, let me get this straight. We’re dropping bombs all over the Middle East, AGAIN (where I defeated ISIS!)… Now we have wars in Ukraine, Israel, and Yemen,” as if to say they Houthis were too afraid of him to attack the Navy. So that was a lie too.