Never one to not whine about how rich white men are downtrodden, Fox host and crossdressing Karen Tucker Carlson now takes up for a product 3.5% of people consume. “Taxes are not just a way to raise money for the state. They’re an instrument of social control also. You don’t like something, you tax it into extinction. With that in mind, you should know the state of New York currently imposes a 75% on cigars ’cause they’re so dangerous. Number of Americans killed each year by cigars: Not many. … Meanwhile, the tax on cannabis in NY is 13%. Why is that?”
That whole thing about “social control” Carlson is babbling about is what conservatives dubbed the “sin tax” on products that their puritanical morals deemed to be sinful, like alcohol and tobacco, and the additional sales taxes go to help fund things like treatment programs, emergency medical services and cancer treatments the users of those products will have a higher likelihood of needing. And cannabis is a medical treatment for some people, Tuck. Compassionate conservatism has died at the throne of Fox.