North Dakota corn farmer Justin Sherlock tells NPR he had been hoping that other people would be suffering the consequences of convicted felon President Trump's shambolic and fucking incompetent methods of conducting his "trade war," that it was all just a means of negotiation and Sherlock and his neighbors would continue to have reliable access to Chinese markets. That was until the fat bastard posted they should get ready to supply Americans instead and to "Have fun!"
"That really struck a lot of farmers, it was the wrong note. It has a lot of them questioning, is there a plan?" Sherlock said, adding that he's in the red ahead of the spring planting season and doesn't know how he's going to be able to finance his operations and he can't take Trump's post "to the banker and say, well, our political leadership must have a plan, so give me a loan."
NPR's article does not say outright that Sherlock voted for the fat fuck, though it's heavily implied through the headline that says "North Dakota went big for Trump. Now many farmers say they face an uncertain future." Then there's the delicate language he uses to describe the collapse in confidence, the "If only the Fuhrer knew"-esque wist evident. Also funny is how NPR writes that another farmer, who also did not say who he voted for, told them "the current uncertainty isn't good for the markets. But he's hesitant to talk politics. That was a popular refrain during interviews across the region. North Dakota, with just under 800,000 people, is like one big, small town. Business and relationships are delicate. In some corners, like in much of America, there is now a deep distrust of mainstream media. Also, in a state where more than 67 percent of the electorate voted for Trump, some folks appeared worried about saying the wrong thing and facing retaliation," lol.