A Chicago-area libtard faces charges of felony criminal damage to property and misdemeanor criminal trespass after spray-painting “FUCK ELON MUSK” and “TRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS” on the windows of the newly-opened Buffalo Grove, Illinois Tesla dealership, the Chicago Sun-Times reports, mentioning that the graffiti was scrubbed off later the same day.
Which raises the question of why the hell 26 year-old Erin White faces a felony for what took at most a few hours and at most a couple of grand in fees for an outside contractor to undo. It’s not like she threw flaming molotovs to accelerate what Teslas can and often do on their own, and racked up damages in the tens of thousands of dollars. It’s just goddamned spray-paint. Yeah, it’ll get pled down but so could an upper-tier misdemeanor, and it’s this starting point that may indicate it’s some MAGA incel low-level assistant DA playing hardball he wouldn’t if it were “FUCK YOON SUK YEOL” painted on a Hyundai dealership. “Oh fuck yeah, I’m soooo making an example of this evil trantifa terrorist! You don’t mess with free speech in this district! Tagging @pambondi in my tweet!”