In its petition for disciplinary action against world famous dipshit lawyer Sidney “Kraken” Powell, the Texas State Bar Commission for Lawyer Discipline writes that in the aftermath of the 2020 election the Kraken engaged in conduct unbecoming of the profession when she “filed multiple federal lawsuits in different jurisdictions (including the District Court of Arizona, the Northern District of Georgia, the Eastern District of Michigan, and the Eastern District of Wisconsin) alleging, inter alia, election fraud had occurred in the national presidential election in 2020.”
“[Kraken] had no reasonable basis to believe the lawsuits she filed were not frivolous. Further, the filing of these lawsuits violated Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11. During the course of the lawsuits, [The Kraken] took positions that unreasonably increased the costs or other burdens of the cases and unreasonably delayed the resolution of the matters, including, but not limited to, [Kraken’s] failure to dismiss the lawsuit filed in the Eastern District of Michigan when her requested relief was moot. In the lawsuit styled Pearson v. Kemp filed by [Kraken] in the Northern District of Georgia, [Squid Lady] attached certificate from the Secretary of State that she purported to the Court was ‘undated.’ The certificate was altered to remove the date, and [Kraken’s] statement that the certificate was undated was false. [Kraken] was sanctioned by the Eastern District of Michigan for [the slimy cephalopod’s] misconduct.” Note the liberal use of “reasonable” here.