We guess RNC Chairwoman Ronna Not-Romney McDaniel doesn’t literally mean “forever” when she told Fox and Friends Monday morning that she’s “been saying forever we don’t like the term ‘Red Wave'” because that would mean we’re just being leftist assholes and taking her “out of context” or whatever when we point out she said literally “The red wave is here, and things are only going to get worse for Joe Biden and the Democrats come November 2022,” back on November 3, 2021 after Republicans had a good night in Virginia and New Jersey. Or when she tweeted “This is the year a Red Wave sweeps across the country and Republicans retake our majorities in Congress. Let’s get to work!” on January 1st of this year. Or “In battleground Wisconsin, Kenosha County just elected the first Republican county executive in history! #RedWave” on April 6th. And probably a shit ton of other examples, but we think three just within the last 10 months is good enough here.