Republican Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (Q-8chan) hosted a sparsely attended town hall meeting in Dalton, Georgia today, throwing out members of the media who dared to ask her questions during a town hall, Raw Story reports.
Photos of the event posted on Twitter by WRCB Reporter Meredith Aldis showed a crowd of around 30, largely unmasked, people in the audience. During her address, Taylor Greene called the House of Representatives, in which she sits, the “House of Hypocrites.”
She also defended her claimed attempt to impeach President Joe Biden on his first full day in office, even though she presented no evidence as to the charges she accused Biden of commiting. Taylor Greene also stated she would like to see Vice President Kamala Harris and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi impeached for unspecified actions, and apparently unaware that members of Congress cannot be impeached, but they can be expelled.
When Aldis attempted to ask Taylor Greene a question, the WRCB was surrounded by sheriff’s deputies and escorted out of the hall where the town hall was taking place.
“I tried to ask a question during the Town Hall meeting and was threatened to be arrested by Whitfield County Sheriff’s Deputies and was escorted out,” Aldis tweeted.