February is probably the worst month. Every store is stocked with pink Valentine’s Day bullshit. TV commercials are 35% Kay Jewelers and Jared. The weather sucks. Russell Stover candies are lame. There are never any good new movies or video games, even if they weren’t all delayed anyway. Groundhog Day is the dumbest holiday and that fucking rodent is never right anyway. And why is the first R in February silent? Why can we just spell it “Febuary”?
Black Americans deserve better than the shittiest and shortest month for Black History Month. I propose it be moved to May, which is the second best month (June is already taken by Pride Month). Actually better yet, May should be Black Future Month, in which America reaffirms its spoken commitments to equality by working to actually make them happen. That means donating to and supporting causes that promote equal justice for all, as well as taking a stand against all those who would push back – specifically the Fox News crybabies who use “BLM IS MARXIST” as their little security blanket to help them pretend they’re not racist.
Obviously you should do that year round, but let February and May be the months that you renew your commitment to righting the wrongs of racial injustice and Caucasian insecurity.