Seems like America just can’t shake its QAnon problem once and for all. Every time one of their days of “The Storm” comes and goes and nothing happens, they just come up with a new one. As we’ve reported here, the next date of their ever-changing prophecy is March 4th, when they think Trump will be re-inaugurated due to some wacked out interpretation of the US Constitution. The belief is so prevalent, that the government has decided to keep the US Capitol under a heightened state of security until the end of next month, specifically because of the threat of QAnon maniacs attacking Congress or the Supreme Court because Trump wasn’t sworn back into the presidency.
This can’t go on, and it’s time for President Biden to consider declaring a nationwide state of emergency to deal with this deranged cult. The best option for tackling the problem is to detain them by region, maybe in some kind of “camps”, and FEMA is the best government agency to handle this. People usually trust them too. And rather than have to go nuts trying to come up with different locations for these “camps” in all 50 states, it’d be best to just pick a national retailer like, say Walmart, and put each one of these “camps” in their parking lots.
Now these “camps” wouldn’t be “internment camps” because that’s a horrible thing to do to people, however misguided they might be. These poor souls aren’t bad people… well, really almost all of them are bad people, but some are probably kind of okay… but they need to re-learn a lot about the history of the United States, the structure of its government, its laws – really a whole refresher on civics. A re-education, if you will. So these “camps” can be for “re-education”.
And maybe some of the people are beyond help and can’t be re-educated, so we might as well put them to good use, to be productive to society. Maybe sewing masks or blankets for the needy. Those people will be performing “labor” so maybe we can have “camps” for that too.
Obviously crowding people together in quonset barracks built in Walmart parking lots can be risky with the Coronavirus and all, so we’ll need them to be vaccinated for that – and for pretty much every other communicable disease we have vaccines for. I’m sure they’ll be grateful for the government protecting their health. If not, then they can be placed in unlit shipping containers until they agree to be vaccinated. Brushing with fluoride toothpaste will have to be non-negotiable too.
This plan is not without risks however. It’s not hard to picture a violent uprising occurring in one of these “camps” with not-yet-reeducated folks rebelling (kind of like in the early scenes of Scarface). For this, President Biden should have NASA and the Space Force build and launch some sort of satellite-based weapons system that can quickly obliterate any unruly “camp” with a beam of concentrated solar energy. This might be kind of expensive to build, so NASA should consider selling bonds to a wealthy banking family like, say, the Rothschilds, with the promise of giving them control of the weapons from time to time. Similar to the deal the Air Force made with them on that HAARP weather control system that went online in the early 90s.
In conclusion, dealing with QAnon doesn’t have to be difficult. You just have to understand their worst fears and build from there to make them a reality. A nation such as ours should be able to work together toward a noble goal such as that, and build a better future for most.