Comments from The Hill article “More than 3M ballots were cast in Wisconsin – officials have flagged just 27 as possible frauds” – something National Zero would’ve reported if its publisher hadn’t been stuck in traffic on Eastern Parkway at the time The Hill had gotten to this story, but the pained reactions from the Trump fanboys there is entertaining enough to merit its own article here:
Click on any part of the comments above to open them in a new tab if you want to leave a helpful reply to these very, very, very sad MAGA hatters.
DancingOnABurningRoof • 14 minutes ago
Cool. Let an independent audit look at the votes and see if they come up.with anything different. If you got nothing to hide, what’s the problem?
Sat, 5/22/2021 11:12 AM on ‘More than 3M ballots were cast in Wisconsin – officials flagged just 27 as possible frauds’