Yes, this was the rant of Mike Lindell, My Pillow founder (and person who has been huffing *a bit* too much Brut aftershave), during his Frank rally, reportedly attended by the same number of people who attend a regional realty conference, claiming that internet monolith Google chose to punish a friend of his by taking away his “gmail and his Google maps”:
“A friend of mine, about a month ago, I was on his radio show, and they put out–he’s sending out the podcast part to all thirty thesla–he emailed it out, 30 thousand emails. Google took away his Gmails [sic] and his Google map. I want you to think about that: they took away his Google maps.”
Of course, the individual isn’t named, nor did they investigate why the gmail account was likely suspended (like spamming or exceeding the bandwith limits of the account). And it looks like it’s Mapquest for his buddy! (or Waze or Apple Maps or myriad other mapping sources.)