Two Richmond, Virginia residents have petitioned the US Supreme Court to order the restoration of the city’s now-removed Robert E Lee monument, NBC Washington reports. The two assholes, descendants of the owners of the property ceded to the state with the condition that the statue remain in perpetuity, argue the Virginia State Supreme Court acted recklessly when they nullified the agreement because “principle” blah blah blah. “The impact of the decision of the Supreme Court of Virginia affirming Governor Northam’s removal order will be widespread and significant,” wrote attorney Patrick McSweeney in the petition. “If this Virginia decision is followed, every contract entered into by a state government can be abrogated when a governor or a court – not the legislature – decides that the contract violates public policy. This would leave those who contract with state governments at the mercy of judges and executive or administrative officials who have no legitimate role in setting the Commonwealth’s public policy,” the petition states.