Shady fugitive Chinese “billionaire” and Steve Bannon’s sugar daddy Guo Wengui filed for bankruptcy in Connecticut on Tuesday after a New York judge ordered Guo to pay up $134 million in a judgement from creditors, Rolling Stone’s Seth Hettena reports. Guo, a Mar-a-Lago member on whose yacht Bannon was arrested for fraud in the “We Build the Wall” scam in 2020, owes a Hong Kong private equity firm over a quarter billion dollars they loaned in 2008 – on top tens of millions more in liabilities to other creditors listed in the bankruptcy filing.
Last week the judge in the case ripped Guo as showing “utter contempt for this Court and the judicial process” by moving his yacht, the Lady May, to the Bahamas to escape the judgement in defiance of a 2020 court order. So we’re probably getting closer to the point where Guo is a fugitive from authorities in both the US and China (though the latter is murky, as it’s been alleged that Guo is actually a ChiCom double agent). To top it all off, Guo’s investment in redundant-from-day-one “free speech” social media platform GETTR is probably just money pissed away as well.