The National Park Service has denied the “People’s Convoy” a permit for a twelve day-long clustertruck occupation of nearly the entire stretch of the National Mall’s lawn between the Capitol and the Washington Monument, the Daily Beast reports, raising the question of what kind of soyboy cupcakes would actually request a legal clearance to be there when their whole point is supposed to be defiance of governmental authority – especially since the Canadian clustertruck in February was sure as hell a not legally sanctioned gathering. Moreover, per the Beast, the assholes organizing the “convoy” claimed on the application there would be “10,000 to 100,000” of their number present during the planned twelve days on their application while there are no more than 500 still gathered at their staging site in Hagerstown, Maryland, down from 2,000 at its peak.
Also on the application, in response to the question “Do you have any reason to believe or any information indicating that any individual, group, or organization might seek to disrupt the activity for which this application is submitted?” organizer Brian Brase simply wrote “Antifa.”