Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill, the equivalent of the Pope to the Russian Orthodox Church and its 90 million adherents, is profiled in the Daily Beast as a driving force behind the Mad Czar’s murderous attempted conquest of Ukraine. “If we see [Ukraine] as a threat, we have the right to use force to ensure the threat is eradicated. We have entered into a conflict which has not only physical but also metaphysical significance. We are talking about human salvation, something much more important than politics,” said Kirill (birth name Vladimir Gundyayev) recently to his followers.
In contrast to Emperor Trump’s spiritual advisor Paula White – a fucking batshit maniac – who was mostly around because she was eye candy for the lustful Donald, Kirill wields enormous influence over Putin. “Putin would execute any Russian churchman who disagrees with Kirill. Putin and Kirill are attached at the hip, and they’ve shaped religion to offer the Russian people spiritual nourishment instead of physical sustenance,” Byzantine and Orthodox church scholar Henry Hopwood-Philipps tells the Beast, warning that the theocratic extremism of Russia’s malevolence is often either downplayed, underestimated, or ignored by Western capitals. “We’re up against nearly 700 years of a deeply entrenched otherworldly belief system,” Hopwood-Philipps adds.