A new study from center-left think tank Third Way finds that murder rates overall in the 25 states won by Trump had a murder rate 40% higher than in the 25 states won by President Joe Biden in 2020, Yahoo News reports. Mississippi, Louisiana, Kentucky, Alabama and Missouri were the top five most homicidal states, while Wyoming and South Dakota saw a staggering 91.7% and 68% increase, respectively in murders committed between 2019 and 2020 (the most recent year for which complete data were available). That’s a MAGA murder-rama! A real Red Wave… of blood!
Of course this will never get reported on Fox News or mentioned by any Republican politician. It’s easier for Trump to spew shit like “We’re seeing murders in our cities, all Democrat-run. People are afraid to go out,” at his March 26th rally in Georgia than deal with facts and figures. Or “America’s most beautiful cities are indeed being ruined by liberal policies: There’s a direct line between death and decay and liberal policies,” like Congressman Dan Crenshaw did on Fox News in December. “From coast to coast, crime is exploding in Democrat-run cities. American citizens are under siege,” warned frigid Fox News anchor Harris Faulkner in January. So on and so forth. The bottom line is you’re more likely to be a murder victim if you live in a Red State than in a Blue one.