“After speaking with staff from the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas (JCRC) we understand that the use of imagery depicting Mr Soros as a puppet-master at our state convention raised concerns that the imagery perpetuated an antisemitic trope. The MN GOP strongly condemns the rise of antisemitism from all corners, including on both sides of the political aisle. We wish to assure the JCRC and our friends in the broader Jewish community that the image was not intended to invoke hostility toward the Jewish people.”
“It should not have happened, we apologize and are committed to working with the JCRC to educate our staff and candidates on antisemitism. As discussed with the JCRC, I have concluded that after talking with Ms. Crockett that the depiction of Mr Soros was not intended as antisemitic, and that nether Ms Crockett nor her creative team were aware that the depiction of a puppet-master invokes an old but persistent antisemitic trope” and blah blah blah more empty platitudes about support for Jewish people says Minnesota GOP chairman David Hann in a statement apologizing for Republican Secretary of State candidate Kim Crockett showing a video depicting Soros as the puppet master to Jewish incumbent Dem Steve Simon.