“Red flag laws sound harmless on paper,” person who at least twice tried to illegally bring guns onto airliners, would have been barred from owning guns due to red flag laws because of sexual abuse complaints, and lame-duck Republican North Carolina Congressman Madison Cawthorn asserts. “We all want to keep firearms out of the hands of dangerous people. [Fact check: No, not all. Donald Trump’s first action after his inauguration in 2017 was to lift a law banning mentally ill people from possessing guns.]. But remember who the government says that you are. The CDC has labeled you a national security problem for protecting your health. [Fact check: WTF?] The FBI, last September, call the mothers and wives ‘domestic terrorists’ for protecting your children. [Fact check: No, they called people who made threats against education officials ‘domestic terrorists’… because they made terroristic threats.] A House committee labeled half the country as ‘coup sympathetic’ just a few weeks ago. [Fact check: Nope. It said the people who supported Trump’s attempt to undermine the Constitution ‘coup sympathetic … because they are. And it’s not half, Maddy; it’s more like 10%.]
“The same faceless fast Cheshires, fact-checkers who censor your speech will seize your sovereignty, come to your front door–and they won’t be coming with a clipboard and a smile. These liberal lackeys will show up at before dawn, invade your homes, seize your property and smash any concept of invivivu– individual liberty you may possess. Remember the actions the ruling elite took against those at Waco and Ruby Ridge. We must wake up. We cannot trust this government. We must not give them more legal avenues to persecute Americans they took an oath to defend.”
Oh, Maddy, you only have 194 more days of relevance, and you’re trying to stir an anti-government insurrection of your own with sovereign citizens? And no, no public officials swears an oath to “defend [Americans].” You should read it sometime: the oath is to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. And the biggest threat to our Constitution is domestic terrorists like the ones you’re encouraging.