Sarah Palin told Newsmax on Friday she feels like her long-mocked warnings of the Russian military threat to the state she quit governing in 2010 because she was bored are vindicated after some crazy Russian asshole lawmaker threatened an invasion on Wednesday. “Let America always remember, there is a part of [Russian] territory: Alaska,” said Vyacheslav Volodin, Speaker of the lower chamber of Russia’s Parliament. “So when they start trying to dispose of our resources abroad, before they do it, let them think: we also have something to return.”
If you forget that Russia has failed to conquer a very conveniently located neighboring country with that it has surrounded on no less than four different borders when you include Belarus, Transnistria, and Crimea, losing tens of thousands of troops, including over a dozen generals, as well as at least several capital naval vessels, and hundreds of planes, helicopters, and tanks in less than five months, and that Alaska is a far more remote and inhospitable place than Ukraine, not to mention full of US military assets and armed citizens, then yeah, the threat is very credible.