Questions are being raised over whether Merrick Garland’s order to raid Mar-a-Lago was a distraction meant to overshadow media coverage of Democrat former Kentucky state lawmaker and Justice Cabinet secretary John Tilley’s arrest on rape charges as the timing seems awfully suspicious to certain conservative commenters. Obviously every political actor knows how to “flood the zone” and divert media attention from damaging stories, and what better for Attorney General Merrick Garland to crowd out a serious allegation against a fellow Democrat than to send the FBI to conduct a raid on the home of the Republican former President of the United States?
And the Mar-a-Lago raid story is probably the biggest news story since the Russian Invasion of Ukraine – which Biden started to distract from the allegations that Hillary Clinton spied on President Trump in the White House – so it’s pretty obvious that Garland was pulling some strings here.
Even if Tilley was appointed by Republican former Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin in 2015 and for whatever reason didn’t stay on with Dem Governor Andy Beshear, which kind of calls into question whether or not Tilley is even a Dem at all, it still makes Biden, Harris, Pelosi, etc look bad that there’s a rapist in the party. So Garland probably did order the raid as a distraction. Case closed.
National Zero will resume our regular news coverage now that we’ve thrown our right wing readers a bone after the awful day they had. We hope they enjoyed this “Just asking questions” article.