The Congressional “Gang of 8,” the top leaders with near presidential-level access to the nation’s top national security secrets – Chamber caucus leaders Chuck Schumer, Moscow Mitch, Nancy Pelosi, Kevin “The Cuck” McCarthy, and the chairs and ranking members of each chamber’s intelligence committees – Mark Warner and Marco Rubio on Senate Intel, and Adam Schiff and Mike Turner on House Intel, have asked the Biden Administration for access to the unredacted docs on the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago to learn more about what Trump stole, Politico reports.
The request comes as Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart on Monday suggested in a filing that unsealing a redacted search affidavit would be all but useless to the public, hinting what he really wanted to say was “Trump and his minions are just going to act like the Justice Department has something to hide if we can’t unseal the whole thing,” which would make a read-in to bipartisan Congressional leadership a solid half-measure. Until of course McCarthy leaks selectively after Jim Jordan and Marjorie Taylor Greene threaten to tie him down and use jumper cables and a car battery to get him to spill whatever might sound good for Trump on Fox News. Mike Turner also sounds like a dumbass given his “it depends on what the nuclear information is” prevaricating at a press conference earlier this month, so who knows what kind of bullshit he would pull.