File this in the “We Didn’t Think We Get Caught” drawer: The governor of Pennsylvania will look into a photo posted on the profile page of Donald Trump’s
Trope Slacker Tromp Sickle Truth Social page showing him posing with more than 30 Pennsylvania State Troopers in uniform, PennLive reports.
The Pennsylvania State Police basically responded with: Oops! You caught us! “According to PSP, this was a private photo opportunity with the former president and it was not approved for use by the former president for public purposes,” a spokesperson for Democratic Governor Tom Wolf states.
The photo shows 31 uniformed officers and five people in civilian clothes positioned around Trump, who’s grinning stupidly and flashing a “thumbs-up” like Fonzie. Behind them is the banner for the Wilkes-Barre barracks of the Pennsylvania State Police, indicating the photo was taken during Trump’s recent trip to northeast PA.
The PSP has a policy barring the use of the uniform or image of a State Trooper to be used for political purposes. The governor’s office said it would investigate the circumstances surrounding the photo, including how it got distributed, and will mete out discipline as needed.